Project management and standard works
Burger King Brasil
(Our client since 2016)
HTB undertakes from feasibility studies, engineering design and legal approvals to the delivery of the keys. More than 500 commissions between project design and construction works were undertaken and 80 new stores were built.
Raia Drogasil
(Our client since 2017)
HTB provides contracting services from bidding to project management to delivery of the keys. To date, the company has built more than 75 five Raia Drogasil stores.
Raia Drogasil
(Cliente desde 2017)
Gerenciamento de obras
89 novas lojas
Estados: SP, MG, ES, PR, SC, RS e MS.
(Our client since 2018)
HTB develops project design for Itaú Bank and was commissioned to perform services in more than 180 branches.
(Our client since 2018)
HTB provides from detailed engineering design to delivery of the keys and has built more than 10 new Popeyes restaurants in Brazil.
(Our client since 2017)
HTB undertakes bidding and project design for various BSP construction projects.
D1000 Varejo
HTB undertakes from bidding to project management to delivery of the keys, and to date more than 20 D1000 stores have been expanded, renovated or built.
Via Varejo - Lojas Casas Bahia
Desenvolvimento de Projetos Executivos Gerenciamento de Obras
49 novas lojas
96 projetos executivos
Território Nacional
Mercados Extra
Desenvolvimento de Projetos Executivos
70 Pré-construções
24 Projetos executivos de Mini-mercados
Estados: SP, RJ, MG, GO, BA, PE, CE, PB, PI e AM.
Posto Extra
Desenvolvimento de Projetos Executivos
13 Postos de gasolina
Estados: SP, RJ, MG, GO, BA, PE, CE, PB, PI e AM.
Lojas Movida
Desenvolvimento de Projetos Executivos Gerenciamento de Obras
10 novas lojas
Estados: SP, RJ, MG, PR, SC, GO, PE e PI.
Sede Vivo
Gerenciamento do Retrofit das sedes coorporativas.
500 estações de trabalho
Estados: ES, RJ, SP e GO.
Laboratórios da Delboni Auriemo
Projetos Executivos de 3 unidades de consultórios.
Estado: SP